An educational path for every type of user The platform is stocked with easy-to-follow, enjoyable courses and journeys at all levels, from beginner to expert, enabling animators and storyboard artists to acquire cutting-edge techniques and master the tools in Toon Boom’s industry-standard software, Toon Boom Storyboard Pro and Toon Boom Harmony. Toon Boom artists of all levels can learn the specialized skills needed to be a creative leader in today’s competitive $254-billion global market - entirely for free and at their own pace. Organized into specific learning journeys, users complete a series of modules consisting of courses and topics. As they progress, they can earn points and badges to validate their achievements. Most materials are downloadable and lessons are delivered in well-paced, clear videos. The content is both useful and fun of the nearly 2,000 topics on the Learn Portal, 86 percent are rated four stars or above. New users: Storyboard Pro Kick-Start, Harmony Kick-start.The Learn Portal has journeys for every type of user. Educational: Educational Curriculum – Harmony Premium, Professional Certification Exam Preparation (Harmony Premium), Associate Certification Exam Preparation (Storyboard Pro).Professionals: Production Cut-out Animation, Production Rigging, Storyboarding Artist. Learn Portal content is developed by Toon Boom’s in-house expert animators and collaborators like Jesse Jones, a freelance animator who’s been working with the software since 2010.

He’s a contributor to a number of journeys on the platform, his most recent being “Getting Started with Paperless Animation with Harmony Advanced and Premium” - aimed at artists who just acquired the software and want to get going immediately. Toon Boom’s Learn Portal offers lessons for animators of all skill levels. “A lot of people say they don’t have time to learn a new software, which is totally understandable. I’m hoping the ‘Getting Started’ journey I created moves fast enough for people to take 30 minutes out of their day to try out and learn Toon Boom,” says Jones.īeing mostly a frame-by-frame animator, Jones has also used the Learn Portal to upskill his own rigging abilities. When developing content for the platform, he tries to go through each step one-by-one as clearly and briefly as possible - he knows firsthand how busy animators are, after all. “If animators are migrating to Toon Boom from another software, the Learn Portal is a great place to start. Every animation program is unique so it’s important to know the different vocabulary and also the various hotkeys so you can be as quick as possible when animating,” explains Jones.